Rabia Öğredici

Rabia Öğredici

As someone who does not believe in coincidences, I came across with coaching by a mere coincidence… I am glad I did! If I try to divide my life into two parts as before and after coaching, that would actually be a very good distinction. After having graduated from university and not knowing what to do, I was persuaded by my father to try coaching. “There is something called coaching, you can give it a try… It might help you clarify things in your mind” told my dad. Then, I decided to go for a first session thinking “Let me go! At least, they will give me some ideas…”. I went; however, I came across something completely different from what I have created in my head. I was not getting any ideas about myself, I was rather trying to find a solution to the problem “How could I be better?”. “If I can do this in my first session, what will I achieve in the next one?”, I always kept thinking and every time I received answers that were far more robust, much more “me” than before. I have met a “Rabia” that I didn’t even know that she existed. I have already started moving on as a new Rabia, who has realised her incredible potential and already embedded it into my life. Apart from me, my family and my friends were aware of this change, as well. I thought I was doing my first session to pursue a career, however, to my surprise, it was a session where I discussed and explored completely new things. Now, I am moving on with a new Rabia who looks at life from different perspectives. Oh! I have set up my mind about my career, too! Now, I am also a young coach who wishes to become a professional life coach, just like Mrs. Esra Doyuk. If you get training in coaching, and if you are getting it from Mrs. Esra Doyuk, then you are 1-0 up. Coaching basically requires strong alignment. I think Mrs. Esra Doyuk is out for it. With the help of her sincerity, her warmth and her professionalism, you can reach the levels you want to see yourself very quickly. Everyone who is ready to change and accept change should try coaching. “Investing for yourself is undoubtedly the greatest investment you can make” says Marilyn Atkinson.
