Author page: esradoyuk

Why You Lose Motivation After Taking Action

Why You Lose Motivation After Taking Action

It’s happened to you before. In the comfort of your home at night, you’ve laid out your plans for the rest of your life. You’re going to lose 50 lbs, start a successful online business, make millions, and finally find the partner of your dreams. Then the sun comes up, and all that certainty and motivation starts to waver. You…

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The Hidden Benefits of Owning Your Own Business

The Hidden Benefits of Owning Your Own Business

There are many highly valued and unusual or unexpected benefits to running your own business. They rarely get mentioned, but they are always there. Many entrepreneurs will tell you that sometimes these hidden benefits are worth more than the business itself. One of the most valuable, but also most unexpected benefits are the deep, lifelong friendships that can be forged…

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9 Mistakes Successful People Avoid

9 Mistakes Successful People Avoid

While there are a wide variety of successful people in the world, they share many characteristics. One of these is the type of mistakes they avoid. There are certain errors that significantly reduce the odds of success. Eliminate these mistakes and you’ll find your level of success increasing. Successful people avoid making these mistakes: How many of these mistakes do…

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Entrepreneurs: How Far Do YOU Need to See in the Dark?

Entrepreneurs: How Far Do YOU Need to See in the Dark?

Most entrepreneurs will admit that when they got started in their first business, they didn’t spend a whole lot of time on doing their homework! Most entrepreneurs have had multiple business failures too, and it doesn’t bother them one bit.  The entrepreneur is usually focused on action, not research. A great metaphor for an entrepreneur’s thinking looks like this:  Imagine…

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12 Tips to Overcome Laziness

12 Tips to Overcome Laziness

You know that you have a lot of things to do. You may even have big plans for the future, but you can’t seem to motivate yourself to get off the couch the internet. Everyone experiences laziness from time to time.  However, the most successful people are able to push laziness aside and take action.  Overcome laziness and find motivation…

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